Monday, November 16, 2009

Prewriting: Incoming Freshman

Incoming Freshman

Writing to incoming freshman is something I never imagined I’d be doing. There are many things I wish I could go back and change about my first semester at college. Whether it’s as little as buying a Glade plug-in the day I moved in, or as big as regretting taking upper division classes, they all played a part in my college experience. When I moved into my dorm, I always new I was a neat, and cleanly person. I folded my clothes, organized my shoes, made my bed, and took out the trash. After the second week of classes, I knew that I would never be able to keep up with all that. I think I realized it when I put on a pair a jeans for the 4th day in a row, or maybe when I went to take out the trash and notice mold growing on the banana peel from the week before. Slowly your room will start to smell, and it is only when you decide to vacuum when you find the rotten bag of goldfish under your couch, or realize that your fridge is leaking, and the water is going stagnant on your carpet. This is when you start to understand the true beauty of Febreze and Glade Plug-Ins. In some cases, when the smell is unbearable, incense or candles can always be an answer, but must be used with caution around CA’s. Slowly you will fall behind on laundry, dishes, and sometimes even bathing. It is gross, but it is one of the harsh realities you will face in your new and stinky home.

Along with advice on cleanliness, I would also recommend buying a fan of some sort. On the warmer days of -15 degrees you never know what kind of smells will bake into the dorms. Having a fan will keep you, your roommate(s), and dorm mates’ scents flowing, and not leave them to sit and linger. There is nothing worse then walking into your room or hall, and taking a deep breathe of stinky feet and microwaveable taquitos. Another way to avoid stench in your room is to keep up with checking your fridge. You will regretfully one day realize after you take a swig of the last of your milk, that it is a week expired. And yes, those amazing late night Hot-Pockets eventually go bad as well. Routine refrigerator checks will keep this problem at bay. There are other things in a dorm, besides food, that can cause un-wanted smells. A roommate’s unwashed dirty clothes can smell of rotting death. This is where a roommate contract within the first week will come in handy. Don’t hesitate or feel uncomfortable, it will help you in the long run.

It is easy to stay caught up with classes and homework, but even easier to fall behind. Do not procrastinate on homework, because it will catch up to you. All the little things slowly add up, so it’s a good idea to start out with a planner. I bought one when I went school shopping, and didn’t actually start using it until the day I walked into math class and realized I had my first exam, and undoubtedly failed. Starting out the semester being organized will only help you in the long run. You will develop healthy organization habits that will stick with you until you graduate. After barely passing my first math exam, I started using my planner, and slowly realized taking the two extra minutes to write my homework and quiz dates were worth it. It made it a lot easier to remember meetings with my professors, and schedule times to meet with my advisor. My planner turned out to be my friend, not my foe.

Going to bed at a decent hour is something that will really benefit you. This also goes along with not procrastinating. Make sure you start studying in advance, and do not wait until 11 o’clock p.m. to start studying for an exam at 8 o’clock am the next day. Manage your time carefully, and buy a lot of note cards. Get to bed at a respectable time, and take short naps when you can, which FYI should not be taken in your 10 o’clock Math class.

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