Thursday, November 12, 2009

"He Says She Says"

In these writings, the author talks mainly about the good and the bad ways of summarizing and using quotes effectively. As a writer I have always been very shaky on how to quote people correctly and use their information appropriately. For the most part, I get most of my information from the research and studying I do on other peoples work. Whether its information from a website, new article, or book, I still need to know how to use it without it being considered plagiarism. Summarizing can be a tricky and long process, but if you know how to do it right, it isn't as complicated as you think.
In the second article, it talks about how people do not like summarizing because going back to the writers exact text and writing it out word for word is a very long process. Now with the option of copy and paste, it has become a lot easier, and people should be able to quote a lot easier than before. The problem with this is that people might not know how to quote effectively, and there for they will do it wrong. You should put yourself in the other writers position, and try to be the reader and feel what they felt at the time they wrote it. I like the technique we used in class one day, where you read a paragraph, and then in one sentence summarize the entire paragraph. I feel like it was a very good and easier way of summarizing.

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