Friday, October 16, 2009

Portfolio Guide

After reading the portfolio guide, I notice some things that were a little confusing, and also things that I felt really could help me grow in my writing. I was at first very confused about the grading system, and was unsure about how many people were involved with the grading. I think the could have touched a little more on the third person who could possibly be involved if the grades of the other two people were indesicive. More explaining in that area would be helpful, considering its the main factor in our essay passing or failing.
I like the idea of two people grading it. I like how they can't really judge you, because they don't know you. I feel that it gives everyone a fair chance, and your actually being graded on your writing, not necessarily a popularity contest. I also like how they assure you in the paper that the reader's of your essay will be very educated and professional in the grading of your essays. They made a point to say it would be very anonymous and confidential.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your questions were answered in class, but if there is still any confusion in your mind, please ask me. I will do my best to clear up any concerns or confusions.
