Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 gives you good ways to find reliable information you will need for your project. Whenever i write, i always find it hard to start. The first step is always the most difficult to make. In this chapter it explains that you should really narrow down our topic, and make it extremely specific. I think this will really help me in my research, because i tend to be too broad with most of my information. I can narrow down my information by writing it all out and then determining which information is most important. Later on in the writing, it talks about sources. Primary sources is information you receive directly from the subject itself, when secondary sources are sources that you analyze from someone else's work, someone else has relayed the information to you. Secondary sources aren't as reliable, and therefor should be checked carefully for true facts.
I was glad to see the information on how to organize bibliographies correctly, because i have always had trouble putting those together right. It explains about all the sources we will be needing for this research paper : Books, Periodical Articles, and Online Sources. It will be a helpful guideline for when i need to do bibliographies. The interviewing section gave a lot of help in how to approach a formal interview. t tells you how to critque body language, and nervousness from your interviwer. It gives you hints on if they are uncomfortable or not.

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